1. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Reviews - Metacritic
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is a fun and memorable game that will get the players to contribute and to create hours of memorable moments.
It’s the biggest Party Pack yet with five party-saving games, including the return of the classic pop culture trivia mashup, You Don’t Know Jack. Use phones or tablets as controllers and play with up to eight players, plus an audience of up to 10,000.
2. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 (Switch) Review - Revenge of the Cringe
29 okt 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 runs smoothly on the Switch, even in handheld mode. Loading times are short, and there I didn't experience any bugs whatsoever.
While the The JackBox Party Pack 5 is hard to recommend at full price due to mediocrity, if you liked past entries it could be worth buying while on sale.
3. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 review: Jack of all trades - Shacknews
23 okt 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 features five very different games. Do those games lead to one rocking party? Our review.
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 features five very different games. Do those games lead to one rocking party? Our review.
4. GAME REVIEW: Jackbox Party Pack 5 - HHS Press
26 jun 2021 · Overall this pack is a lot of fun. I would highly recommend it, especially during corona because you can play it through a screen-sharing app or ...
This is the third in a series of reviews covering Jackbox Party Packs. Here is a list of all the reviews. The Jackbox Party Pack series is an excellent party game series that has many installments. If you decide you want to play it’s hard to choose which pack to get, after all, there are...
5. Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - GodisaGeek.com
11 nov 2018 · This fifth party pack then comes with another five games, four new ones and the return of You Don't Know Jack. It's a bold move to make the ...
It’s nearly Christmas, and if you’re stuck for a Party game this year the team at Jackbox has you covered once again.
6. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - Nintendo World Report
16 okt 2018 · This game takes a big, ambitious swing that is best with a crew of players with a zest for improv and a willingness to be stupid.
You Don’t Know Jack’s return and a game about pitching dumb inventions headline this year’s Jackbox Party Pack.
7. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - Game Rant
24 okt 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 provides some great Party Pack games, with Split the Room, Mad Verse City, and Patently Stupid standing out as especially entertaining.
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 features five party games for players to try, including some of the best the series has ever seen, like Split the Room and Mad Verse City.
8. “The Jackbox Party Pack 5” Review - SmashPad
29 nov 2018 · It's a fun little game, but it also supports the least amount of players which isn't great if you're playing in a big party.
Another year, another Jackbox Party Pack. Since its initial release in 2013, the Jackbox Party Pack has been a delight especially when you reach that point in a party where it’s largely over…
9. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 | REVIEW - Use a Potion!
6 nov 2018 · Every game included in The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is a lot of fun and I can guarantee you'll have a blast playing them with friends and family.
“…you’ll easily have hours upon hours of fun as you answer zany questions, take part in rap battles, and draw the worst inventions known to man.”
10. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Reviews - OpenCritic
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 36 critics, with an overall average score of 79. It's ranked in the top 25%...
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 36 critics, with an overall average score of 79. It's ranked in the top 25% of games and recommended by 78% of critics.
11. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review — Great Game Concepts, But Fewer ...
16 okt 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is a weaker bunch compared to the third and fourth compilations. While it carries out the now-established Jackbox formula quite ...
Despite delivering excellent visual presentation and creativity as always, the games in The Jackbox Party Pack 5 are less of a draw this time around.
12. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review: New But Not Improved - Screen Rant
17 okt 2018 · Containing five fast-paced games with irreverent humor and entertaining visuals, the pack was ideal for gamers and non-gamers alike.
This one heads to the distant future with a slew of games that share an ironic tone, but quality-wise, are a mixed bag.
13. Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - The Indie Game Website
16 okt 2018 · After a series of prompts asking for words and phrases that rhyme with one another, a Transformers-esque robot performs the genius you provided ...
Another cackle-inducing party game collection.
14. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 (Switch) Review - Vooks
26 okt 2018 · It's a simple premise but the short time on the clock forces you to get creative quickly, leading to some incredibly entertaining outcomes.
Life of the Party.
15. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 kopen - Xbox.com
Het is het beste Party Pack tot nu toe, inclusief de terugkeer van de klassieke popcultuur-trivia mash-up YOU DON'T KNOW JACK: Full Stream; de game met de ...
Het is het beste Party Pack tot nu toe, inclusief de terugkeer van de klassieke popcultuur-trivia mash-up YOU DON’T KNOW JACK: Full Stream; de game met de hilarische hypothetische situaties Split the Room; het songschrijvende, robot-rapgevecht Mad Verse City; de ingenieuze tekengame Patently Stupid; en het kosmische smijtfeest Zeeple Dome. Gebruik je met internet verbonden smartphone of tablet als controller en speel met maximaal 8 spelers, plus een kijkerspubliek van ten hoogste 10.000!
16. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - Switch Player
13 nov 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 contains a few strong mini-games, and a few weak ones. But with the game almost actively encouraging crude creativity, there's so much ...
Ollie Reynolds has a barrel of laughs with some new Jackbox mini-games.
17. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review (PS4) - Push Square
2 nov 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is yet another fantastic collection of party games. With each game offering something different -- and Mad Verse City in particular ...
You should know Jack
18. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - Nintendo Insider
23 okt 2018 · The Jackbox Party Pack 5 is the latest compilation, this particular entry perhaps offering the biggest variation between its five games.
So, at the end of the day is this year’s The Jackbox Party Pack 5 a winner? Without a doubt. Patently Stupid easily ranks up there with the elite entries like Tee K.O. and Quiplash 2 while Mad Verse City is a surprisingly fresh addition.
19. Parent reviews for The Jackbox Party Pack 5 | Common Sense Media
Five billboards with different game names stand across a pink and orange sky. "Jackbox Party Pack 9" is above them, written in clouds.
Read The Jackbox Party Pack 5 reviews from parents on Common Sense Media. Become a member to write your own review.
20. [PlayStation 4] The Jackbox Party Pack 5 Review - PS4Blog.net
12 nov 2018 · The fifth iteration has now been released, so learn more about it in our The Jackbox Party Pack 5 review!
Jackbox Party has been a staple of party games on PlayStation for two generations in a row. The fifth iteration has now been released, so learn more about it in our The Jackbox Party Pack 5 review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuPY0_8CO6o The Jackbox Party Pack 5 - Launch Trailer
21. Jackbox Party Pack 5 – PS4 Review - PlayStation Country
26 okt 2018 · It works brilliantly and creates a ton of scope for players to be funny and also target their humour at each other. The only downside however ...
October 26, 2018 in PS4 tagged jackbox / mobile / party by Richie
22. The Jackbox Party Pack 5 - Recensione - PlayStationBit 5.0
3 nov 2019 · La lista trofei di The JackBox Party 5 include venti trofei, tutti di bronzo e senza l'amato Platino. Poco da rosicchiare per i cacciatori ...
Se siete appassionati di quiz, vi sarà capitato almeno una volta di sentir nominare You Don’t Know Jack, celebre gioco ricco di domande decisamente fuori dagli schemi che si è trasformato rapidamente in una serie, The Jackbox Party Pack, di cui analizziamo oggi il quinto volume. Chi è Jack? Dopo il successo di Buzz su […]